sábado, 31 de maio de 2008

Nielsen: "usuários da internet estão mais egoístas"

"O diretor da Nielsen Norman Group, especializada em consultoria sobre usabilidade, comentou os resultados do relatório anual da empresa sobre os hábitos dos usuários da internet e afirmou que as pessoas estão menos pacientes na hora de navegar."

"Em entrevista à BBC News, o especialista afirmou que os usuários se comportam como se estivessem segurando uma "batata quente" - apenas querem completar uma tarefa, o mais rápido possível."

"O especialista ressalta que, nesse contexto, os mecanismos de busca "basicamente dominam a rede".

"A longo prazo, qualquer um que quiser ultrapassar o Google tem apenas que fazer um sistema de busca melhor", concluiu."


Nova Versão do Windows?

"Um desenvolvedor de programas de computador da Índia divulgou em seu blog imagens que seriam do novo sistema operacional da Microsoft, batizado por enquanto de Windows 7.

Consultada pelo G1, a Microsoft não confirmou nem negou a veracidade das imagens.

O principal detalhe nas imagens são os menus circulares, que já são utilizados em sistemas multimídia da empresa."


sexta-feira, 30 de maio de 2008

Espelhos Mágicos Digitais

TV Flexível da Sony

"Like many other TV makers, Sony has been working on screens made with organic light-emitting diodes for some time to produce paper-thin displays as well as save energy. But ratcheting up the competition even further, it just unveiled what it calls the world's first flexible version."

Mais em: http://crave.cnet.com/8301-1_105-9722721-1.html


sábado, 24 de maio de 2008

Senior PC

Microsoft UK is developing a "senior PC", which will have a simple interface and be aimed at older users.

The PC will come with software that allows users to manage prescriptions as well as simplified tools for everyday use, such as managing photos.

The machine, which it is developing in partnership with charities Age Concern and Help the Aged, is one of several projects the firm is working on.

The plans were unveiled at a Digital Inclusion conference in London.


sexta-feira, 23 de maio de 2008

terça-feira, 20 de maio de 2008

Google Me

A documentary film by Jim Killeen.Starring 7 guys named Jim Killeen.

segunda-feira, 19 de maio de 2008

Why doing user observations first is wrong

"Let’s face it: once a project is announced, it is too late to study what it should be – that’s what the announcement was about. If you want to do creative study, you have to do it before the launching of the project. You have to be on the team that decides what projects to do in the first place – which means you have to be part of the management team. (HCI bug one: not enough HCIers are executives.)"

"...Usability testing is like Beta testing of software. It should never be used to determine "what users need." It is for catching bugs, and so this kind of usability testing still fits the new, iterative programming models, just as Beta testing for software bugs fits the models. I have long maintained that any company proud of its usability testing is a company in trouble, just as a company proud of its Beta testing is in trouble. UI and Beta testing are meant simply to find bugs, not to redesign.

So let’s separate the field and observational studies, the conceptual design work, and the needs analyses from the actual product project. We need to discover what users need before the project starts, for once started, the direction has already been determined. We need to embrace rapid, iterative methods. We need to fit the new procedures used by the programming teams, we need to become team players. What’s especially nice about these new methods is that they have made room for us: they explicitly acknowledge the importance of HCI design. Everyone wants us on the team, but only if we won’t slow down the work. More power to them."



Don’t get it mixed up with Post-it because it’s not. It’s a Pock-it. Same idea with a twist. Three sides of the stickie are well… sticky forming a little pocket. Great idea when you want to tell your roommate “rent is due, leave money in here”.

Link: Pock-it

User Interface Resource Center

The User Interface Resource Center (UIRC) provides free articles and White Papers written by industry leaders about user interface design and rich Internet applications (RIAs). From business strategy and implementation to hands-on techniques, this site is packed with valuable content.


quarta-feira, 14 de maio de 2008

Human Car

segunda-feira, 12 de maio de 2008

O que NÃO fazer com o seu banheiro

O pior banheiro que fui até hoje...o banheiro do restaurante Soho, em Boa Viagem (Recife-PE).

Primeiro, que o banheiro é todo preto e vermelho, o que dificulta saber o "estado de limpeza"...depois o pessoal ainda coloca uma luz muito fraca, piorando o que acabei de citar e ainda não ajuda no quesito maquiagem ou qualquer desejo de se olhar no espelho decentemente.

Quer mais? O banheiro é tanto pra mulheres como para homens, crianças e deficientes! O que faz com que a privada em si seja muito baixa :/

Com relação à minha experiência...entrei num banheiro escuro e só senti o chão molhado (de quê...como vou saber? A luz não ajudou muito). Além do malabarismo que foi para utilizar a privada e acessar o lixeiro (que estava do outro lado do banheiro).

Pra quem vai ao Soho...aproveite para fazer um Pit Stop antes em casa mesmo :P A comida é muito boa, mas não preciso dizer mais nada sobre o banheiro :P


quarta-feira, 7 de maio de 2008

Querendo ser Gerente de UX?

"But just as I’d ask about any career choice, my question for anyone who wants to become a manager is “Why?” If the answer is “because being a manager and all it entails energizes me,” do it. Pursue your passion. You’ll make a positive contribution to your company, and you can help your employees be more productive and happier. What is it that you love and are good at? Whatever it is, do that!"


segunda-feira, 5 de maio de 2008

CHI Interactivity Teaser

Clips from Interactivity exhibitors at the ACM CHI conference (www.chi2008.org).

Os 100 melhores aplicativos Web de 2008

Categorias: Audio, Browsing, Commerce and Events, Communication, Productivity, Publishing and Photography, Search and Reference, Social, Utility and Security, Video.


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